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1.R&D in Advanced Communication Networks in Europe - RACE II, IEE Colloquium on
2.RACE Optical Systems and Demonstrators, IEE Colloquium on
3.RADAR 2002
4.Radar 92. International Conference
5.Radar 97 (Conf. Publ. No. 449)
6.Radar and Microwave Imaging, IEE Colloquium on
7.Radar and Microwave Techniques for Non-Destructive Evalution, IEE Colloquium on
8.Radar and Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings F
9.Radar Clutter and Multipath Propagation, IEE Colloquium on
10.Radar Conference, 1988., Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE National
11.Radar Conference, 1989., Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE National
12.Radar Conference, 1990., Record of the IEEE 1990 International
13.Radar Conference, 1991., Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE National
14.Radar Conference, 1993., Record of the 1993 IEEE National
15.Radar Conference, 1994., Record of the 1994 IEEE National
16.Radar Conference, 1995., Record of the IEEE 1995 International
17.Radar Conference, 1996., Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE National
18.Radar Conference, 1997., IEEE National
19.Radar Conference, 1998. RADARCON 98. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE
20.Radar Conference, 1999. The Record of the 1999 IEEE
21.Radar Conference, 2000. The Record of the IEEE 2000 International
22.Radar Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE
23.Radar Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the IEEE
24.Radar Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE
25.Radar Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the International
26.Radar Conference, 2004. EURAD. First European
27.Radar Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the IEEE
28.Radar Conference, 2005 IEEE International
29.Radar Conference, 2005. EURAD 2005. European
30.Radar Interferometry (Digest No: 1997/153), IEE Colloquium on
31.Radar Meteorology, IEE Colloquium on
32.Radar System Modelling (Ref. No. 1998/459), IEE Colloquium on
33.Radar, 1996. Proceedings., CIE International Conference of
34.Radar, 2001 CIE International Conference on, Proceedings
35.Radar, 2006 IEEE Conference on
36.Radar, Sonar and Navigation, IEE Proceedings -
37.Radiated Emission Test Facilities, IEE Colloquium on
38.Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, 1993.,RADECS 93., Second European Conference on
39.Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, 1995. RADECS 95., Third European Conference on
40.Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 1997. RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on
41.Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 1999. RADECS 99. 1999 Fifth European Conference on
42.Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2001. 6th European Conference on
43.Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2003. RADECS 2003. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on
44.Radiation and its Effects on Devices and Systems, 1991. RADECS 91., First European Conference on
45.Radiation Cured Industrial Processes - An Update (Digest No. 1996/183), IEE Colloquium on
46.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1992. Workshop Record., 1992 IEEE
47.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1993., IEEE
48.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1994 IEEE
49.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1995, NSREC '95 Workshop Record., 1995 IEEE
50.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1996., IEEE
51.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1997 IEEE
52.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1998. IEEE
53.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1999
54.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2000
55.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2001 IEEE
56.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2002 IEEE
57.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2003. IEEE
58.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2004 IEEE
59.Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2005. IEEE
60.Radiation Protection - the Role of Safety-Related Control Systems, IEE Colloquium on
61.Radio and Wireless Conference, 1998. RAWCON 98. 1998 IEEE
62.Radio and Wireless Conference, 1999. RAWCON 99. 1999 IEEE
63.Radio and Wireless Conference, 2000. RAWCON 2000. 2000 IEEE
64.Radio and Wireless Conference, 2001. RAWCON 2001. IEEE
65.Radio and Wireless Conference, 2002. RAWCON 2002. IEEE
66.Radio and Wireless Conference, 2003. RAWCON '03. Proceedings
67.Radio and Wireless Conference, 2004 IEEE
68.Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2006 IEEE
69.Radio Communications at Microwave and Millimetre Wave Frequencies (Digest No. 1996/239), IEE Colloquium on
70.Radio Frequency Co-Channel Interference Measurements and Modelling at 1-30 GHz, IEE Colloquium on
71.Radio Frequency Design in Mobile Radio Transceivers, IEE Colloquium on
72.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 1997., IEEE
73.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 1998 IEEE
74.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 1999 IEEE
75.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2000. Digest of Papers. 2000 IEEE
76.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2001. Digest of Papers. 2001 IEEE
77.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2002 IEEE
78.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2003 IEEE
79.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2004. Digest of Papers. 2004 IEEE
80.Radio Frequency integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2005. Digest of Papers. 2005 IEEE
81.Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2006 IEEE
82.Radio LANs and MANs, IEE Colloquium on
83.Radio LANs, IEE Colloquium on
84.Radio Receivers and Associated Systems, 1989., Fifth International Conference on
85.Radio Receivers and Associated Systems, 1995., Sixth International Conference on
86.Radio Relay Systems, 1993., Fourth European Conference on
87.Radio Science Conference, 1996. NRSC '96., Thirteenth National
88.Radio Science Conference, 1998. NRSC '98. Proceedings of the Fifteenth National
89.Radio Science Conference, 1999. NRSC '99. Proceedings of the Sixteenth National
90.Radio Science Conference, 2000. 17th NRSC '2000. Seventeenth National
91.Radio Science Conference, 2001. NRSC 2001. Proceedings of the Eighteenth National
92.Radio Science Conference, 2003. NRSC 2003. Proceedings of the Twentieth National
93.Radio Science Conference, 2004. NRSC 2004. Proceedings of the Twenty-First National
94.Radio Science Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 Asia-Pacific
95.Radio Science Conference, 2005. NRSC 2005. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second National
96.Radio Science Nineteenth National Conference of the Proceedings NRSC 2002
97.Radio Systems for Rural Communications, IEE Colloquium on
98.Radio-Frequency Integration Technology: Integrated Circuits for Wideband Communication and Wireless Sensor Networks, 2005. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Workshop on
99.Radiocommunication in the Range 30-60 GHz, IEE Colloquium on
100.Radiocommunications in the Range 30-60 GHz, IEE Colloquium on
101.Radiocommunications in Transportation, IEE Colloquium on
102.Rail Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/ASME Joint
103.Rail Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 ASME/IEEE Joint
104.Rail Conference, 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 ASME/IEEE Joint
105.Rail Conference, 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/ASME Joint
106.Railroad Conference, 1989. Proceedings., Technical Papers Presented at the 1989 IEEE/ASME Joint
107.Railroad Conference, 1990., Technical Papers Presented at the 1990 ASME/IEEE Joint
108.Railroad Conference, 1991., Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE/ASME Joint
109.Railroad Conference, 1992. Proceedings of the ASME/IEEE Spring Joint
110.Railroad Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE/ASME Joint
111.Railroad Conference, 1994., Proceedings of the 1994 ASME/IEEE Joint (in Conjunction with Area 1994 Annual Technical Conference)
112.Railroad Conference, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE/ASME Joint
113.Railroad Conference, 1996., Proceedings of the 1996 ASME/IEEE Joint
114.Railroad Conference, 1997., Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE/ASME Joint
115.Railroad Conference, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 ASME/IEEE Joint
116.Railroad Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 ASME/IEEE Joint
117.Railroad Conference, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 ASME/IEEE Joint
118.Railroad Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE/ASME Joint
119.Railroad Conference, 2002 ASME/IEEE Joint
120.Railway Condition Monitoring, 2004. IEE Seminar (Ref. No. 2004/10513)
121.Railway Condition Monitoring: Why? What? How?, 2005 IEE Seminar on (Ref. No. 2005/10813)
122.Railway Information Systems, 2004. IEE
123.Railway Law for Engineers: How Legislation, Liability and Legal Issues Affect You, 2006. The Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on (Ref. No. 2006/11315)
124.Railway Signalling and Control Systems, 2006. The 11th IET Professional Development Course on
125.Railway System Modelling - Not Just for Fun, 2004. The IEE Seminar on
126.Rapid System Prototyping, 12th International Workshop on, 2001.
127.Rapid System Prototyping, 1990. 'Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype'., First International Workshop on
128.Rapid System Prototyping, 1991. 'Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype'., Second International Workshop on
129.Rapid System Prototyping, 1992. 'Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype'., 1992 International Workshop on
130.Rapid System Prototyping, 1993. 'Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype'. Proceedings., Fourth International Workshop on
131.Rapid System Prototyping, 1994. 'Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype'. Proceedings., Fifth International Workshop on
132.Rapid System Prototyping, 1995. Proceedings., Sixth IEEE International Workshop on
133.Rapid System Prototyping, 1996. Proceedings., Seventh IEEE International Workshop on
134.Rapid System Prototyping, 1997. ' Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype'. Proceedings., 8th IEEE International Workshop on
135.Rapid System Prototyping, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 Ninth International Workshop on
136.Rapid System Prototyping, 1999. IEEE International Workshop on
137.Rapid System Prototyping, 2000. RSP 2000. Proceedings. 11th International Workshop on
138.Rapid System Prototyping, 2002. Proceedings. 13th IEEE International Workshop on
139.Rapid System Prototyping, 2004. Proceedings. 15th IEEE International Workshop on
140.Rapid System Prototyping, 2005. (RSP 2005). The 16th IEEE International Workshop on
141.Rapid System Prototyping, 2006. Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on
142.Rapid Systems Prototyping, 2003. Proceedings. 14th IEEE International Workshop on
143.Rational, Robust, and Secure Negotiation Mechanisms in Multi-Agent Systems, 2005
144.RDS (Radio Data Services) (Digest No. 1994/249), IEE Colloquium on
145.RDS System - Its Implementation and Use, IEE Colloquium on
146.Real Control Problems - No Solutions Yet?, IEE Colloquium on
147.Real Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2005. RTAS 2005. 11th IEEE
148.Real Time Computing: The Future with MASCOT, IEE Colloquium on
149.Real Time Conference, 1999. Santa Fe 1999. 11th IEEE NPSS
150.Real Time Conference, 2005. 14th IEEE-NPSS
151.Real Time Systems Symposium, 1989., Proceedings.
152.Real Time Systems, 1991. Proceedings., Euromicro '91 Workshop on
153.Real Time, 1989. Proceedings., Euromicro Workshop on
154.Real Time, 1990. Proceedings., Euromicro '90 Workshop on
155.Real World Visualisation - Virtual World - Virtual Reality, IEE Colloquium on
156.Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE
157.Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2003. Proceedings. The 9th IEEE
158.Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2004. Proceedings. RTAS 2004. 10th IEEE
159.Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2006. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE
160.Real-Time Applications, 1993., Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on
161.Real-Time Applications, 1994., Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on
162.Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 1995. Proceedings., Second International Workshop on
163.Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 1996. Proceedings., Third International Workshop on
164.Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 1998. Proceedings. Fifth International Conference on
165.Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 1999. RTCSA '99. Sixth International Conference on
166.Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 2000. Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on
167.Real-Time Knowledge Based Systems, IEE Colloquium on
168.Real-Time Management of Adaptive Radar Systems, IEE Colloquium on
169.Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, 1994. RTOSS '94, Proceedings., 11th IEEE Workshop on
170.Real-Time Systems (Digest No. 1998/306), IEE Colloquium on
171.Real-Time Systems Education III, 1998. Proceedings
172.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1988., Proceedings.
173.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1990. Proceedings., 11th
174.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1991. Proceedings., Twelfth
175.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1992
176.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1993., Proceedings.
177.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1994., Proceedings.
178.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., 16th IEEE
179.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1996., 17th IEEE
180.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1997. Proceedings., The 18th IEEE
181.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1998. Proceedings., The 19th IEEE
182.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. The 20th IEEE
183.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2000. Proceedings. The 21st IEEE
184.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2001. (RTSS 2001). Proceedings. 22nd IEEE
185.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2002. RTSS 2002. 23rd IEEE
186.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2003. RTSS 2003. 24th IEEE
187.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2004. Proceedings. 25th IEEE International
188.Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2005. RTSS 2005. 26th IEEE International
189.Real-Time Systems, 13th Euromicro Conference on, 2001.
190.Real-Time Systems, 1992. Proceedings., Fourth Euromicro workshop on
191.Real-Time Systems, 1993. Proceedings., Fifth Euromicro Workshop on
192.Real-Time Systems, 1994. Proceedings., Sixth Euromicro Workshop on
193.Real-Time Systems, 1995. Proceedings., Seventh Euromicro Workshop on
194.Real-Time Systems, 1996., Proceedings of the Eighth Euromicro Workshop on
195.Real-Time Systems, 1997. Proceedings., Ninth Euromicro Workshop on
196.Real-Time Systems, 1998. Proceedings. 10th Euromicro Workshop on
197.Real-Time Systems, 1999. Proceedings of the 11th Euromicro Conference on
198.Real-Time Systems, 2000. Euromicro RTS 2000. 12th Euromicro Conference on
199.Real-Time Systems, 2002. Proceedings. 14th Euromicro Conference on
200.Real-Time Systems, 2003. Proceedings. 15th Euromicro Conference on
201.Real-Time Systems, 2004. ECRTS 2004. Proceedings. 16th Euromicro Conference on
202.Real-Time Systems, 2005. (ECRTS 2005). Proceedings. 17th Euromicro Conference on
203.Real-Time Systems, 2006. 18th Euromicro Conference on
204.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 1995. Proceedings
205.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE
206.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 1997. Proceedings., Third IEEE
207.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 1998. Proceedings. Fourth IEEE
208.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE
209.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 2000. RTAS 2000. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE
210.Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, 2001. Proceedings. Seventh IEEE
211.Realising the Clinical Potential of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: The Role of Pattern Recognition (Ref. No: 1997/082), IEE Colloquium on
212.Realistic 3-D Image Synthesis, IEE Colloquium on
213.Reasoning Under Uncertainty, IEE Colloquium on
214.Recent Advances in Broadcast TV Cameras - Optics, Sensors and Processing, IEE Colloquium on
215.Recent Advances in Micromachining Techniques (Digest No: 1997/081), IEE Colloquium
216.Recent Advances in Microwave Sub-Systems for Space and Satellite Applications, IEE Colloquium on
217.Recent Advances in Parallel Processing for Control, IEE Colloquium on
218.Recent Advances in Power Devices (Ref. No. 1999/104), IEE Colloquium on
219.Recent Advances in Sonar Applied to Biological Oceanography (Ref. No. 1998/227), IEE Colloquium on
220.Recent Advances in Space Technologies, 2003. RAST '03. International Conference on. Proceedings of
221.Recent Advances in Space Technologies, 2005. RAST 2005. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on
222.Recent Advances in the Understanding of Water Trees, IEE Colloquium on
223.Recent Developments in Digital NDT Equipment Design, IEE Colloquium on
224.Recent Developments in Image Processing: Applications in Remote Sensing, IEE Colloquium on
225.Recent Developments in Microstrip Antennas, IEE Colloquium on
226.Recent Developments in Radar and Sonar Imaging Systems: What Next?, IEE Colloquium on
227.Recent Progress in Object Technology, IEE Colloquium on
228.Recent Progress in the Development of Geothermal Hot Dry Rock Technology, IEE Colloquium on
229.Reclamation and Recycling of In-House Manufacturing Scrap in the Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Industries, IEE Colloquium on
230.Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems, 1999. Proceedings. International Workshop on
231.Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE ICCV Workshop on
232.Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, 2005. ReConFig 2005. International Conference on
233.Reconfigurable Systems (Ref. No. 1999/061), IEE Colloquium on
234.Recording Media for Television, IEE Colloquium on
235.Reflector Antennas for the 90's, IEE Colloquium on
236.Refurbishment of Machines (Digest No. 1998/410), IEE Half-Day Colloquium on
237.Refurbishment of Power Station Electrical Plant, 1988. International Conference on
238.Region 5 Conference: Annual Technical and Leadership Workshop, 2004
239.Region Six Conference Record, 1977. IEEE 1977
240.Regional Underground Distribution Practices (91 TH0398-8-PWR)
241.Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on [see also IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation]
242.Rehabilitation Robotics, 2005. ICORR 2005. 9th International Conference on
243.Reliability and Maintainability Computer-Aided Engineering in Concurrent Engineering, 1990 and 1991., Combined Proceedings of the 1990 and 1991 Leesburg Workshops on
244.Reliability and Maintainability in Computer-Aided Engineering Workshop, 1988. R&M - CAE, 1988 Proceedings.
245.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1984. Proceedings. Annual
246.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1988. Proceedings., Annual
247.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1989. Proceedings., Annual
248.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1990. Proceedings., Annual
249.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1991. Proceedings., Annual
250.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1992. Proceedings., Annual
251.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., Annual
252.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., Annual
253.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., Annual
254.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1996 Proceedings. 'International Symposium on Product Quality and Integrity'., Annual
255.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1998. Proceedings., Annual
256.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. Annual
257.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2000. Proceedi gs. Annual
258.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2001. Proceedings. Annual
259.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. Annual
260.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2003. Annual
261.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2005. Proceedings. Annual
262.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2006. RAMS '06. Annual
263.Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. 1997 Proceedings, Annual
264.Reliability and Maintainability, 2004 Annual Symposium - RAMS
265.Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, 1996. Proceedings of the 7th European Symposium on
266.Reliability of Fibre Optic Cable Systems, IEE Colloquium on
267.Reliability of Transmission and Distribution Equipment, 1995., Second International Conference on the
268.Reliability Physics Symposium 1988. 26th Annual Proceedings., International
269.Reliability Physics Symposium 1992. 30th Annual Proceedings., International
270.Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 1998. 36th Annual. 1998 IEEE International
271.Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 1999. 37th Annual. 1999 IEEE International
272.Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2002. 40th Annual
273.Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2003. 41st Annual. 2003 IEEE International
274.Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2004. 42nd Annual. 2004 IEEE International
275.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1989. 27th Annual Proceedings., International
276.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1990. 28th Annual Proceedings., International
277.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1991, 29th Annual Proceedings., International
278.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1993. 31st Annual Proceedings., International
279.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1994. 32nd Annual Proceedings., IEEE International
280.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1995. 33rd Annual Proceedings., IEEE International
281.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1996. 34th Annual Proceedings., IEEE International
282.Reliability Physics Symposium, 1997. 35th Annual Proceedings., IEEE International
283.Reliability Physics Symposium, 2000. Proceedings. 38th Annual 2000 IEEE International
284.Reliability Physics Symposium, 2001. Proceedings. 39th Annual. 2001 IEEE International
285.Reliability Physics Symposium, 2005. Proceedings. 43rd Annual. 2005 IEEE International
286.Reliability Symposium, 1996. 'Reliability - Investing in the Future'., IEEE 34th Annual Spring
287.Reliability, IEEE Transactions on
288.Reliability, Security and Power Quality of Distribution Systems., 1995., IEE North Eastern Centre Power Section Symposium on the
289.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1988. Proceedings., Seventh Symposium on
290.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1989., Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on
291.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1990. Proceedings., Ninth Symposium on
292.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1991. Proceedings., Tenth Symposium on
293.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1992. Proceedings., 11th Symposium on
294.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1993. Proceedings., 12th Symposium on
295.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1994. Proceedings., 13th Symposium on
296.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1995. Proceedings., 14th Symposium on
297.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1996. Proceedings., 15th Symposium on
298.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1997. Proceedings., The Sixteenth Symposium on
299.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1998. Proceedings. Seventeenth IEEE Symposium on
300.Reliable Distributed Systems, 1999. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on
301.Reliable Distributed Systems, 2000. SRDS-2000. Proceedings The 19th IEEE Symposium on
302.Reliable Distributed Systems, 2001. Proceedings. 20th IEEE Symposium on
303.Reliable Distributed Systems, 2002. Proceedings. 21st IEEE Symposium on
304.Reliable Distributed Systems, 2003. Proceedings. 22nd International Symposium on
305.Reliable Distributed Systems, 2004. Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on
306.Reliable Distributed Systems, 2005. SRDS 2005. 24th IEEE Symposium on
307.Reliable Electronic Measurements, IEE Colloquium on
308.Remote Control and Automation on 11 kV Networks Beyond the Primary Substation (Ref. No. 1999/195), IEE Colloquium on
309.Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, 2003. 2nd GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on
310.Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop 2001
311.Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Aerosols, 2005. IEEE Workshop on
312.REmote Sensing of the Propagation Environment (Digest No: 1996/221), IEE Colloquium on
313.Renewable Energy - Clean Power 2001, 1993., International Conference on
314.Representation of Visual Scenes, 1995. (In Conjuction with ICCV'95), Proceedings IEEE Workshop on
315.Requirements Capture and Specification for Critical Systems, IEE Colloquium on
316.Requirements Engineering Conference, 2003. Proceedings. 11th IEEE International
317.Requirements Engineering Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 12th IEEE International
318.Requirements Engineering Conference, 2006. RE 2006. 14th IEEE International
319.Requirements Engineering, 1993., Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on
320.Requirements Engineering, 1994., Proceedings of the First International Conference on
321.Requirements Engineering, 1995., Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Symposium on
322.Requirements Engineering, 1996., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
323.Requirements Engineering, 1997., Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on
324.Requirements Engineering, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 Third International Conference on
325.Requirements Engineering, 1999. Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on
326.Requirements Engineering, 2000. Proceedings. 4th International Conference on
327.Requirements Engineering, 2001. Proceedings. Fifth IEEE International Symposium on
328.Requirements Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE Joint International Conference on
329.Requirements Engineering, 2005. Proceedings. 13th IEEE International Conference on
330.Research and Development, 2002. SCOReD 2002. Student Conference on
331.Research and Development, 2003. SCORED 2003. Proceedings. Student Conference on
332.Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, 1996. ADL '96., Proceedings of the Third Forum on
333.Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, 1997. ADL '97. Proceedings., IEEE International Forum on
334.Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, 1998. ADL 98. Proceedings. IEEE International Forum on
335.Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, 1999. ADL '99. Proceedings. IEEE Forum on
336.Research Challenges, 2000. Proceedings. Academia/Industry Working Conference on
337.Research in Engineering Design, IEE Colloquium on
338.Research in Microelectronics and Electronics 2006, Ph. D.
339.Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, 2005 PhD
340.Research in Security and Privacy, 1990. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
341.Research in Security and Privacy, 1991. Proceedings., 1991 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
342.Research in Security and Privacy, 1992. Proceedings., 1992 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
343.Research in Security and Privacy, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
344.Research in Security and Privacy, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
345.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 1993: Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, 1993. Proceedings RIDE-IMS '93., Third International Workshop on
346.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 1994. Active Database Systems. Proceedings Fourth International Workshop on
347.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 1995: Distributed Object Management, Proceedings. RIDE-DOM '95. Fifth International Workshop on
348.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 1996. Interoperability of Nontraditional Database Systems. Proceedings. Sixth International Workshop on
349.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 1997. Proceedings. Seventh International Workshop on
350.Research Issues In Data Engineering, 1998. Continuous-Media Databases and Applications. Proceedings. Eighth International Workshop on
351.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 2000. RIDE 2000. Proceedings. Tenth International Workshop on
352.Research Issues in Data Engineering, 2001. Proceedings. Eleventh International Workshop on
353.Research Issues in Data Engineering: Engineering E-Commerce/E-Business Systems, 2002. RIDE-2EC 2002. Proceedings. Twelfth International Workshop on
354.Research Issues in Data Engineering: Multi-lingual Information Management, 2003. RIDE-MLIM 2003. Proceedings. 13th International Workshop on
355.Research Issues in Data Engineering: Stream Data Mining and Applications, 2005. RIDE-SDMA 2005. 15th International Workshop on
356.Research Issues on Data Engineering, 1992: Transaction and Query Processing. Second International Workshop on
357.Research Issues on Data Engineering: Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises, 1999. RIDE-VE '99. Proceedings., Ninth International Workshop on
358.Research Issues on Data Engineering: Web Services for e-Commerce and e-Government Applications, 2004. Proceedings. 14th International Workshop on
359.Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future, 2006 International Conference on
360.Resilience in Optical Networks, IEE Colloquium on
361.Resonant Systems, IEE Colloquium on
362.Resource Scheduling for Large Scale Planning Systems, IEE Colloquium on
363.Responsibilities and Practicalities for Testing Pharmaceutical Software (digest No: 1997/173), IEE Colloquium on
364.Responsibility for Environmental Protection and the Engineer's Liability (Ref. No. 2000/134), IEE Seminar on
365.Responsiveness in Manufacturing (Digest No. 1998/213), IEE
366.Results of Experiments Using the Olympus Satellite, IEE Colloquium on
367.Rethinking Manufacturing: Winning Strategies for the Next Century (Ref. No. 1999/113), IEE Colloquia on
368.Retrofit and Upgrading of Computer Equipment in Nuclear Power Stations, IEE Colloquium on
369.Reverse Engineering for Software Based Systems, IEE Colloquium on
370.Reverse Engineering, 12th Working Conference on
371.Reverse Engineering, 1993., Proceedings of Working Conference on
372.Reverse Engineering, 1995., Proceedings of 2nd Working Conference on
373.Reverse Engineering, 1996., Proceedings of the Third Working Conference on
374.Reverse Engineering, 1997. Proceedings of the Fourth Working Conference on
375.Reverse Engineering, 1998. Proceedings. Fifth Working Conference on
376.Reverse Engineering, 1999. Proceedings. Sixth Working Conference on
377.Reverse Engineering, 2000. Proceedings. Seventh Working Conference on
378.Reverse Engineering, 2001. Proceedings. Eighth Working Conference on
379.Reverse Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. Ninth Working Conference on
380.Reverse Engineering, 2003. WCRE 2003. Proceedings. 10th Working Conference on
381.Reverse Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 11th Working Conference on
382.Review of Options for Overhead Rural Distribution, IEE Colloquium on
383.Review of Outdoor Insulation Materials, IEE Colloquium on
384.Revision of Electricity Supply Regulations, IEE Colloquium on
385.RF and Microwave Components for Communication Systems(Digest No: 1997/126), IEE Colloquium on
386.RF and Microwave Conference, 2004. RFM 2004. Proceedings
387.RF Combining, IEE Colloquium on
388.RF Design Scene, IEE Colloquium on
389.RF& Microwave Circuits for Commercial Wireless Applications (Digest No. 1997/026), IEE Colloquium
390.RFID Technology (Ref. No. 1999/123), IEE Colloquium on
391.RISC Architectures and Applications, IEE Colloquium on
392.Risk Analysis Methods and Tools, IEE Colloquium on
393.Risk Management in Engineering Projects (Ref. No. 1999/029), IEE Colloquium on
394.Risk Reduction: Internal Faults in T&D Switchgear (Digest No: 1997/295), IEE Colloquium on
395.Road Traffic Control, 1990., Third International Conference on
396.Road Traffic Monitoring and Control, 1994., Seventh International Conference on
397.Road Traffic Monitoring, 1989., Second International Conference on
398.Road Traffic Monitoring, 1992 (IEE Conf. Pub. 355)
399.Road Transport Information and Control, 1998. 9th International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 454)
400.Road Transport Information and Control, 2000. Tenth International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 472)
401.Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. Eleventh International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 486)
402.Road Transport Information and Control, 2004. RTIC 2004. 12th IEE International Conference on
403.Road Transport Symposium, 2005. The IEE (Ref. No. 2005/11272)
404.Road User Charging, IEE Seminar (Ref. No. 2003/10065)
405.Road User Charging: Technical and Operational Development, 2004. IEE Seminar
406.Roaming with Data, IEE Colloquium on
407.Robot Actuators, IEE Colloquium on
408.Robot and Human Communication, 1992. Proceedings., IEEE International Workshop on
409.Robot and Human Communication, 1993. Proceedings., 2nd IEEE International Workshop on
410.Robot and Human Communication, 1994. RO-MAN '94 Nagoya, Proceedings., 3rd IEEE International Workshop on
411.Robot and Human Communication, 1995. RO-MAN'95 TOKYO, Proceedings., 4th IEEE International Workshop on
412.Robot and Human Communication, 1996., 5th IEEE International Workshop on
413.Robot and Human Communication, 1997. RO-MAN '97. Proceedings., 6th IEEE International Workshop on
414.Robot and Human Interaction, 1999. RO-MAN '99. 8th IEEE International Workshop on
415.Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2000. RO-MAN 2000. Proceedings. 9th IEEE International Workshop on
416.Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2001. Proceedings. 10th IEEE International Workshop on
417.Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2002. Proceedings. 11th IEEE International Workshop on
418.Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2003. Proceedings. ROMAN 2003. The 12th IEEE International Workshop on
419.Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2004. ROMAN 2004. 13th IEEE International Workshop on
420.Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2005. ROMAN 2005. IEEE International Workshop on
421.Robot Motion and Control, 1999. RoMoCo '99. Proceedings of the First Workshop on
422.Robot Motion and Control, 2001 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on
423.Robot Motion and Control, 2002. RoMoCo '02. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on
424.Robot Motion and Control, 2004. RoMoCo'04. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
425.Robot Motion and Control, 2005. RoMoCo '05. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
426.Robot Sensing, 2004. ROSE 2004. International Workshop on
427.Robot Sensors, IEE Colloquium on
428.Robot Systems Architectures, IEE Colloquium on
429.Robotic Sensing, 2003. ROSE' 03, 1st International Workshop on
430.Robotic Sensors: Robotic and Sensor Environments, 2005. International Workshop on
431.Robotic Surgery: The Kindest Cut of All, 2006. The Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on (Ref. No. 2006/11372)
432.Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE
433.Robotics and Automation, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE International Conference on
434.Robotics and Automation, 1989. Proceedings., 1989 IEEE International Conference on
435.Robotics and Automation, 1990. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE International Conference on
436.Robotics and Automation, 1991. Proceedings., 1991 IEEE International Conference on
437.Robotics and Automation, 1992. Proceedings., 1992 IEEE International Conference on
438.Robotics and Automation, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 IEEE International Conference on
439.Robotics and Automation, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE International Conference on
440.Robotics and Automation, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE International Conference on
441.Robotics and Automation, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE International Conference on
442.Robotics and Automation, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International Conference on
443.Robotics and Automation, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on
444.Robotics and Automation, 1999. Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on
445.Robotics and Automation, 2000. Proceedings. ICRA '00. IEEE International Conference on
446.Robotics and Automation, 2001. Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on
447.Robotics and Automation, 2002. Proceedings. ICRA '02. IEEE International Conference on
448.Robotics and Automation, 2003. Proceedings. ICRA '03. IEEE International Conference on
449.Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA '04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on
450.Robotics and Automation, 2004. TExCRA '04. First IEEE Technical Exhibition Based Conference on
451.Robotics and Automation, 2005. ICRA 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on
452.Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006. Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on
453.Robotics and Automation, IEEE Journal of [legacy, pre - 1988]
454.Robotics and Automation, IEEE Journal of [see also IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation]
455.Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on
456.Robotics and Automation. Proceedings. 1984 IEEE International Conference on
457.Robotics and Automation. Proceedings. 1985 IEEE International Conference on
458.Robotics and Automation. Proceedings. 1986 IEEE International Conference on
459.Robotics and Automation. Proceedings. 1987 IEEE International Conference on
460.Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). 2005 IEEE International Conference on
461.Robotics and Biomimetics, 2004. ROBIO 2004. IEEE International Conference on
462.Robotics and Education, IEE Colloquium on
463.Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2004 IEEE Conference on
464.Robotics, IEEE Transactions on [see also Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on]
465.Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on
466.Robust Control: Theory, Software and Applications (Digest No: 1997/380), IEE Colloquium on
467.ROCS Workshop, 2004. [Reliability of Compound Semiconductors]
468.ROCS Workshop, 2005. [Reliability of Compound Semiconductors]
469.Role of Image Processing in Defence and Military Electronics, IEE Colloquium on
470.Role of MMI in Software Engineering Environments, IEE Colloquium on
471.Role of Satellites in Tomorrow's Fibre-Optic World, IEE Colloquium on
472.Role of Site Shielding in Prediction Models for Urban Radiowave Propagation (Digest No. 1994/231), IEE Colloquium on
473.Role of Statistics in EMC Specification Design and Clearance, IEE Colloquium on
474.Role of the Operator in the Safety of the Nuclear Industry, IEE Colloquium on
475.Roles of Chartered and Incorporated Engineers - Present and Future, IEE Colloquium on
476.Rotorcraft Safety Symposium (Digest No: 1997/309), IEE
477.Rule-Based Systems for Real-Time Planning and Control, IEE Colloquium on
478.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1988. Papers Presented at the 32nd Annual Conference
479.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1989. Papers Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference
480.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1990. Papers Presented at the 34th Annual Conference
481.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1991. Papers Presented at the 35th Annual Conference
482.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1992. Papers Presented at the 36th Annual Conference
483.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1993. Papers Presented at the 37th Annual Conference
484.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1994. Papers Presented at the 38th Annual Conference
485.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1995. Papers Presented at the 39th Annual Conference
486.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1996. Papers Presented at the 39th Annual Conference
487.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1997. Papers Presented at the 41st Annual Conference
488.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1998. Papers Presented at the 42nd Annual Conference
489.Rural Electric Power Conference, 1999
490.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2000
491.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2001
492.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2002. 2002 IEEE
493.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2003
494.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2004
495.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2005
496.Rural Electric Power Conference, 2006 IEEE
497.Rural Telecommunications, 1988, International Conference on
498.Rural Telecommunications, 1990. Second International Conference on