1. | DARPA Active NEtworks Conference and Exposition, 2002. Proceedings |
2. | DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition II, 2001. DISCEX '01. Proceedings |
3. | DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, 2000. DISCEX '00. Proceedings |
4. | DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, 2003. Proceedings |
5. | Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, 1989., Second International Conference on |
6. | Data Compression Conference, 1991. DCC '91. |
7. | Data Compression Conference, 1992. DCC '92. |
8. | Data Compression Conference, 1993. DCC '93. |
9. | Data Compression Conference, 1994. DCC '94. Proceedings |
10. | Data Compression Conference, 1995. DCC '95. Proceedings |
11. | Data Compression Conference, 1996. DCC '96. Proceedings |
12. | Data Compression Conference, 1997. DCC '97. Proceedings |
13. | Data Compression Conference, 1998. DCC '98. Proceedings |
14. | Data Compression Conference, 1999. Proceedings. DCC '99 |
15. | Data Compression Conference, 2000. Proceedings. DCC 2000 |
16. | Data Compression Conference, 2001. Proceedings. DCC 2001. |
17. | Data Compression Conference, 2002. Proceedings. DCC 2002 |
18. | Data Compression Conference, 2003. Proceedings. DCC 2003 |
19. | Data Compression Conference, 2004. Proceedings. DCC 2004 |
20. | Data Compression Conference, 2005. Proceedings. DCC 2005 |
21. | Data Compression Conference, 2006. DCC 2006. Proceedings |
22. | Data Compression: Methods and Implementations (Ref. No. 1999/150), IEE Colloquium on |
23. | Data Dictionary Systems: Present and Future, IEE Colloquium on |
24. | Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce, 2005. Proceedings. International Workshop on |
25. | Data Engineering Workshops, 2005. 21st International Conference on |
26. | Data Engineering Workshops, 2006. Proceedings. 22nd International Conference on |
27. | Data Engineering, 1988. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on |
28. | Data Engineering, 1989. Proceedings. Fifth International Conference on |
29. | Data Engineering, 1990. Proceedings. Sixth International Conference on |
30. | Data Engineering, 1991. Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on |
31. | Data Engineering, 1992. Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on |
32. | Data Engineering, 1993. Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on |
33. | Data Engineering, 1994. Proceedings. 10th International Conference |
34. | Data Engineering, 1995. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on |
35. | Data Engineering, 1996. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on |
36. | Data Engineering, 1997. Proceedings. 13th International Conference on |
37. | Data Engineering, 1998. Proceedings., 14th International Conference on |
38. | Data Engineering, 1999. Proceedings., 15th International Conference on |
39. | Data Engineering, 2000. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on |
40. | Data Engineering, 2001. Proceedings. 17th International Conference on |
41. | Data Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. 18th International Conference on |
42. | Data Engineering, 2003. Proceedings. 19th International Conference on |
43. | Data Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th International Conference on |
44. | Data Engineering, 2005. ICDE 2005. Proceedings. 21st International Conference on |
45. | Data Engineering, 2006. ICDE '06. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on |
46. | Data Fusion Symposium, 1996. ADFS '96., First Australian |
47. | Data Logging of Physiological Signals, IEE Colloquium on |
48. | Data Mining, 2001. ICDM 2001, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on |
49. | Data Mining, 2002. ICDM 2002. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE International Conference on |
50. | Data Mining, 2003. ICDM 2003. Third IEEE International Conference on |
51. | Data Mining, 2004. ICDM '04. Fourth IEEE International Conference on |
52. | Data Mining, Fifth IEEE International Conference on |
53. | Data Storage Technology, IEE Colloquium on |
54. | Data Systems for Digital Broadcasting (Ref. No. 1998/467), IEE Seminar on |
55. | Data Transmission - Advances in Modem and ISDN Technology and Applications, 1992., International Conference on |
56. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1996. Proceedings., Seventh International Workshop on |
57. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1997. Proceedings., Eighth International Workshop on |
58. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1998. Proceedings. Ninth International Workshop on |
59. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1999. Proceedings. Tenth International Workshop on |
60. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2000. Proceedings. 11th International Workshop on |
61. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2001. Proceedings. 12th International Workshop on |
62. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2002. Proceedings. 13th International Workshop on |
63. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2003. Proceedings. 14th International Workshop on |
64. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2004. Proceedings. 15th International Workshop on |
65. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2005. Proceedings. Sixteenth International Workshop on |
66. | Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2006. DEXA '06. 17th International Conference on |
67. | Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments, 1999. (DANTE '99) Proceedings. 1999 International Symposium on |
68. | Database Conference, 2000. ADC 2000. Proceedings. 11th Australasian |
69. | Database Conference, 2001. ADC 2001. Proceedings. 12th Australasian |
70. | Database Engineering & Applications, 2001 International Symposium on. |
71. | Database Engineering and Application Symposium, 2005. IDEAS 2005. 9th International |
72. | Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 1997. IDEAS '97. Proceedings., International |
73. | Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 1998. Proceedings. IDEAS'98. International |
74. | Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2000 International |
75. | Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. International |
76. | Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh International |
77. | Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2004. IDEAS '04. Proceedings. International |
78. | Database Engineering and Applications, 1999. IDEAS '99. International Symposium Proceedings |
79. | Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 1999. Proceedings., 6th International Conference on |
80. | Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2001. Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on |
81. | Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2003. (DASFAA 2003). Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on |
82. | Databases and Information Systems, 2006 7th International Baltic Conference on |
83. | Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1988. Proceedings. International Symposium on |
84. | Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1990, Proceedings. Second International Symposium on |
85. | Databases, Parallel Architectures and Their Applications,. PARBASE-90, International Conference on |
86. | Day on Diffraction 2001. Proceedings. International Seminar |
87. | Day on Diffraction Millennium Workshop, 2000. International Seminar |
88. | Day on Diffraction, 1999. Proceedings. International Seminar |
89. | Day on Diffraction, 2002. Proceedings. International Seminar |
90. | Day on Diffraction, 2003. Proceedings. International Seminar |
91. | Days on Diffraction, 2004. Proceedings of the International Seminar |
92. | Days on Diffraction, 2005. DD 2005. Proceedings of the International Conference |
93. | Dayton Chapter Symposium, 1988. 'Avionics Integrity Program'., Ninth Annual IEEE/AESS |
94. | Dayton Section Symposium, 1997., The 14th Annual AESS/IEEE |
95. | Dayton Section Symposium, 1998. The 15th Annual AESS/IEEE |
96. | DC Traction Stray Current Control - Offer a Stray a Good Ohm? (Ref. No. 1999/212), IEE Seminar on |
97. | Decision and Control, 1988., Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on |
98. | Decision and Control, 1989., Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on |
99. | Decision and Control, 1990., Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on |
100. | Decision and Control, 1991., Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on |
101. | Decision and Control, 1992., Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on |
102. | Decision and Control, 1993., Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on |
103. | Decision and Control, 1994., Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on |
104. | Decision and Control, 1995., Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on |
105. | Decision and Control, 1996., Proceedings of the 35th IEEE |
106. | Decision and Control, 1997., Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on |
107. | Decision and Control, 1998. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on |
108. | Decision and Control, 1999. Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on |
109. | Decision and Control, 2000. Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on |
110. | Decision and Control, 2001. Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on |
111. | Decision and Control, 2002, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on |
112. | Decision and Control, 2003. Proceedings. 42nd IEEE Conference on |
113. | Decision and Control, 2004. CDC. 43rd IEEE Conference on |
114. | Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC '05. 44th IEEE Conference on |
115. | Decision Making and Problem Solving (Digest No: 1997/366), IEE Colloquium on |
116. | Decision Support Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
117. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1992. Proceedings., 1992 IEEE International Workshop on |
118. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1993., The IEEE International Workshop on |
119. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1994. Proceedings., The IEEE International Workshop on |
120. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE International Workshop on, |
121. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE International Symposium on |
122. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International Symposium on |
123. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1998. Proceedings., 1998 IEEE International Symposium on |
124. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 1999. DFT '99. International Symposium on |
125. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on |
126. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2001. Proceedings. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on |
127. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2002. DFT 2002. Proceedings. 17th IEEE International Symposium on |
128. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2003. Proceedings. 18th IEEE International Symposium on |
129. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2004. DFT 2004. Proceedings. 19th IEEE International Symposium on |
130. | Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2005. DFT 2005. 20th IEEE International Symposium on |
131. | Defect and Fault Tolerance on VLSI Systems, 1991. Proceedings., 1991 International Workshop on |
132. | Defect Based Testing, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE International Workshop on |
133. | Delicate Balance: Technics, Culture and Consequences, 1989 |
134. | Demand-side Management and Resource Planning in the United Kingdom and Europe (Digest No. 1994/186), IEE Colloquium on |
135. | Demonstrated Micromachining Technologies for Industry (Ref. No. 2000/032), IEE Seminar on |
136. | Dependability and Security in Sensor Networks and Systems, 2006. DSSNS 2006. Second IEEE Workshop on |
137. | Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
138. | Dependable Computing for Critical Applications 7, 1999 |
139. | Dependable Computing, 1999. Proceedings. 1999 Pacific Rim International Symposium on |
140. | Dependable Computing, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 Pacific Rim International Symposium on |
141. | Dependable Computing, 2001. Proceedings. 2001 Pacific Rim International Symposium on |
142. | Dependable Computing, 2002. Proceedings. 2002 Pacific Rim International Symposium on |
143. | Dependable Computing, 2004. Proceedings. 10th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on |
144. | Dependable Computing, 2005. Proceedings. 11th Pacific Rim International Symposium on |
145. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2000. DSN 2000. Proceedings International Conference on |
146. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2001. Proeedings. The International Conference on |
147. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2002. DSN 2002. Proceedings. International Conference on |
148. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on |
149. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2004 International Conference on |
150. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2005. DSN 2005. Proceedings. International Conference on |
151. | Dependable Systems and Networks, 2006. DSN 2006. International Conference on |
152. | Design & Test of Computers, IEEE |
153. | Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors, 1988., International Specialist Seminar on the |
154. | Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors, 1991., Second International Specialist Seminar on the |
155. | Design and Development of Autonomous Agents, IEE Colloquium on |
156. | Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and systems, 2006 IEEE |
157. | Design and Test of Asynchronous Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
158. | Design and Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, 2006. DTIS 2006. International Conference on |
159. | Design and Test of Mixed Analogue and Digital Circuits, IEE Colloquium on |
160. | Design Automation Conference 1997. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC '97. Asia and South Pacific |
161. | Design Automation Conference 1998. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC '98. Asia and South Pacific |
162. | Design Automation Conference Proceedings 1996, 33rd |
163. | Design Automation Conference, 1988. Proceedings., 25th ACM/IEEE |
164. | Design Automation Conference, 1990. EDAC. Proceedings of the European |
165. | Design Automation Conference, 1990. Proceedings. 27th ACM/IEEE |
166. | Design Automation Conference, 1991. 28th ACM/IEEE |
167. | Design Automation Conference, 1992. EURO-VHDL '92, EURO-DAC '92. European |
168. | Design Automation Conference, 1992. Proceedings., 29th ACM/IEEE |
169. | Design Automation Conference, 1993, with EURO-VHDL '93. Proceedings EURO-DAC '93. European |
170. | Design Automation Conference, 1995, with EURO-VHDL, Proceedings EURO-DAC '95., European |
171. | Design Automation Conference, 1995. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC '95/CHDL '95/VLSI '95., IFIP International Conference on Hardware Description Languages; IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration., Asian and South Pacific |
172. | Design Automation Conference, 1996, with EURO-VHDL '96 and Exhibition, Proceedings EURO-DAC '96, European |
173. | Design Automation Conference, 1997. Proceedings of the 34th |
174. | Design Automation Conference, 1998. Proceedings |
175. | Design Automation Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC '99. Asia and South Pacific |
176. | Design Automation Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 36th |
177. | Design Automation Conference, 2000. Proceedings 2000. 37th |
178. | Design Automation Conference, 2000. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2000. Asia and South Pacific |
179. | Design Automation Conference, 2001. Proceedings |
180. | Design Automation Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2001. Asia and South Pacific |
181. | Design Automation Conference, 2002. Proceedings of ASP-DAC 2002. 7th Asia and South Pacific and the 15th International Conference on VLSI Design. Proceedings. |
182. | Design Automation Conference, 2002. Proceedings. 39th |
183. | Design Automation Conference, 2003. Proceedings |
184. | Design Automation Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2003. Asia and South Pacific |
185. | Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2004. Asia and South Pacific |
186. | Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st |
187. | Design Automation Conference, 2005. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2005. Asia and South Pacific |
188. | Design Automation Conference, 2005. Proceedings. 42nd |
189. | Design Automation Conference, 2006 43rd ACM/IEEE |
190. | Design Automation, 1978. 15th Conference on |
191. | Design Automation, 1979. 16th Conference on |
192. | Design Automation, 1980. 17th Conference on |
193. | Design Automation, 1981. 18th Conference on |
194. | Design Automation, 1982. 19th Conference on |
195. | Design Automation, 1983. 20th Conference on |
196. | Design Automation, 1984. 21st Conference on |
197. | Design Automation, 1985. 22nd Conference on |
198. | Design Automation, 1986. 23rd Conference on |
199. | Design Automation, 1987. 24th Conference on |
200. | Design Automation, 1989. 26th Conference on |
201. | Design Automation, 1992. Proceedings. [3rd] European Conference on |
202. | Design Automation, 1993, with the European Event in ASIC Design. Proceedings. [4th] European Conference on |
203. | Design Automation, 1993. 30th Conference on |
204. | Design Automation, 1994. 31st Conference on |
205. | Design Automation, 1995. DAC '95. 32nd Conference on |
206. | Design Automation, 2006. Asia and South Pacific Conference on |
207. | Design Automation. EDAC. Proceedings of the European Conference on |
208. | Design Education - Bridging the Gap Between Industrial and Engineering Design, IEE Colloquium on |
209. | Design for Manufacture (papers in summary form only received), IEE Colloquium on (Digest No.65) |
210. | Design for Testability, IEE Colloquium on |
211. | Design for Testability, IEE Colloquium on |
212. | Design Integration - People Co-operating Across the Professions (Digest No. 1995/155), IEE Colloquium on |
213. | Design Management Environments in CAD, IEE Colloquium on |
214. | Design of Medium Voltage Polymeric Cables, IEE Colloquium on |
215. | Design of Mixed-Mode Integrated Circuits and Applications, 1999. Third International Workshop on |
216. | Design of Mobile Handset Antennas for Optimal Performance in the Presence of Biological Tissue (Digest No. 1997/022), IEE Colloquium on |
217. | Design of Reliable Communication Networks, 2003. (DRCN 2003). Proceedings. Fourth International Workshop on |
218. | Design of Reliable Communication Networks, 2005. (DRCN 2005). Proceedings.5th International Workshop on |
219. | Design of RFIC's and MMIC's (Ref. No. 1997/391), IEE Tutorial Colloquium on |
220. | Design of RFICs and MMICs (Ref. No. 1999/158), IEE Tutorial Colloquium |
221. | Design of the Driver Interface, IEE Colloquium on |
222. | Design Systems with Users in Mind: The Role of Cognitive Artefacts, IEE Colloquium on |
223. | Design Technology of T&D Plant (Digest No. 1998/287), IEE Colloquium on |
224. | Design Tools for EMC, IEE Colloquium on |
225. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition 1999. Proceedings |
226. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition 2000. Proceedings |
227. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2002. Proceedings |
228. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2003 |
229. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2004. Proceedings |
230. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 1998., Proceedings |
231. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2001. Conference and Exhibition 2001. Proceedings |
232. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2005. Proceedings |
233. | Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2006. DATE '06. Proceedings |
234. | Design, Implementation and Use of Object-Oriented Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
235. | Design, Operation and Maintenance of High Voltage (3.3 kV to 11 kV) Electric Motors for Process Plant (Ref. No. 1999/178), IEE Colloquium on |
236. | Design, Operation and Maintenance of High Voltage (3.3kV to 11kV) Electric Motors for Process Plant (Ref. No. 1999/044), IEE Colloquium on |
237. | Design, Operation and Maintenance of High Voltage (3.3kV to 11kV) Electric Motors in Process Plant, Symposium on (Digest No. 1998/265), IEE |
238. | Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2003. Symposium on |
239. | Designing Low Power Digital Systems, Emerging Technologies (1996) |
240. | Designing Quality into Software Based Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
241. | Designing Resilient Architectures, IEE Colloquium on |
242. | Designing Safety-Critical Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
243. | Designing Secure Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
244. | Destruction of Waste and Toxic Materials Using Electric Discharges, IEE Colloquium on |
245. | Detection and Recognition of Events in Video, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE Workshop on |
246. | Detection of Abandoned Land Mines, 1998. Second International Conference on the (IEE Conf. Publ. No. 458) |
247. | Developing and Applying Best Practice Asset Management - PAS 55 One Year on, 2005. The IEE Seminar on |
248. | Developing and Managing Expert System Programs, 1991., Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on |
249. | Developing and Managing Intelligent System Projects, 1993., IEEE International Conference on |
250. | Developing Commercial In-Vehicle Information Services and Systems, 2003 |
251. | Development and Learning, 2002. Proceedings. The 2nd International Conference on |
252. | Development and Learning, 2005. Proceedings. The 4nd International Conference on |
253. | Development in Mid-Merit Open Cycle Turbine Plants (Ref. No. 1999/118), IEE Colloquium on |
254. | Development of EMC Standards for Information Technology Equipment, IEE Colloquium on |
255. | Developments for Networker One With Three Phase Drives, IEE Colloquium on |
256. | Developments in Combined Heat and Power Into the Millennium (Ref. No. 1998/226), IEE Colloquium on |
257. | Developments in Control in the Water Industry, 2004. The IEE Seminar on (Ref. No. 2004/10729) |
258. | Developments in EMC Standards, IEE Colloquium on |
259. | Developments in Fire Performance Cables for Energy (Ref. No. 1999/074), IEE Colloquium on |
260. | Developments in Mass Transit Systems, 1998. International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 453) |
261. | Developments in near Infra-Red Visible Ultraviolet Detectors, IEE Colloquium on |
262. | Developments in Personal Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
263. | Developments in Photovoltaic Electricity Production (Digest No: 1997/069), IEE Colloquium on |
264. | Developments in Power Protection, 1989., Fourth International Conference on |
265. | Developments in Power System Protection, 1993., Fifth International Conference on |
266. | Developments in Power System Protection, 2001, Seventh International Conference on (IEE) |
267. | Developments in Power System Protection, 2004. Eighth IEE International Conference on |
268. | Developments in Power System Protection, Sixth International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 434) |
269. | Developments in Real-Time Control for Induction Motor Drives, IEE Colloquium on |
270. | Developments in Signalling, IEE Colloquium on |
271. | Developments in Tactile Displays (Digest No. 1997/012), IEE Colloquium on |
272. | Developments in Terrestrial Broadcasting for the UHF Band, IEE Colloquium on |
273. | Developments in the Eutelsat System, IEE Colloquium on |
274. | Developments in the Use of Global Positioning Systems |
275. | Developments in Transmission-Line Modelling, IEE Colloquium on |
276. | Developments of AC Voltage Measurements, IEE Colloquium on |
277. | Developments On-Load Tapchangers: Current Experience and Future, IEE European Seminar on |
278. | Developments Towards Complete Monitoring and In-Service Testing of Transmission and Distribution Plant, IEE Colloquium on |
279. | Developments with Interfacing of Power System Analysis Software with SCADA and Data Management Systems (Digest No. 1994/217), IEE Colloquium on |
280. | Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Transactions on |
281. | Device Research Conference Digest, 1997. 55th |
282. | Device Research Conference Digest, 1998. 56th Annual |
283. | Device Research Conference Digest, 1999 57th Annual |
284. | Device Research Conference Digest, 2005. DRC '05. 63rd |
285. | Device Research Conference, 1991. 49th Annual |
286. | Device Research Conference, 1992. Digest. 50th Annual |
287. | Device Research Conference, 1993. 51st Annual |
288. | Device Research Conference, 1994. 52nd Annual |
289. | Device Research Conference, 1995. Digest. 1995 53rd Annual |
290. | Device Research Conference, 1996. Digest. 54th Annual |
291. | Device Research Conference, 2000. Conference Digest. 58th DRC |
292. | Device Research Conference, 2001 |
293. | Device Research Conference, 2002. 60th DRC. Conference Digest |
294. | Device Research Conference, 2003 |
295. | Device Research Conference, 2004. 62nd DRC. Conference Digest [Late News Papers volume included] |
296. | Devices, Circuits and Systems, 1995. Proceedings of the 1995 First IEEE International Caracas Conference on |
297. | Devices, Circuits and Systems, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 Second IEEE International Caracas Conference on |
298. | Devices, Circuits and Systems, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 Third IEEE International Caracas Conference on |
299. | Devices, Circuits and Systems, 2002. Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Caracas Conference on |
300. | Devices, Circuits and Systems, 2004. Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Caracas Conference on |
301. | Devices, Drive Circuits and Protection, IEE Colloquium on |
302. | Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, 2003. SDEMPED 2003. 4th IEEE International Symposium on |
303. | Diamond in Electronics and Optics, IEE Colloquium on |
304. | Dielectric Liquids, 1999. (ICDL '99) Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE 13th International Conference on |
305. | Dielectric Liquids, 2002. ICDL 2002. Proceedings of 2002 IEEE 14th International Conference on |
306. | Dielectric Liquids, 2005. ICDL 2005. 2005 IEEE International Conference on |
307. | Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications, 1988., Fifth International Conference on |
308. | Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications, 1992., Sixth International Conference on |
309. | Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications, 2000. Eighth International Conference on (IEE Conf. Publ. No. 473) |
310. | Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications, Seventh International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 430) |
311. | Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on [see also Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on] |
312. | Diffraction Propagation Modelling Techniques Embracing Surface Feature Data, IEE Colloquium on |
313. | Digital and Analogue Filter and Filtering Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
314. | Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems (Digest No. 1996/238), IEE Colloquium on |
315. | Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, IEE 15th SARAGA Colloquium on |
316. | Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
317. | Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
318. | Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
319. | Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, IEE Twelfth Saraga Colloquium on |
320. | Digital and Computational Video, 2001. Proceedings. Second International Workshop on |
321. | Digital and Computational Video, 2002. DCV 2002. Proceedings - Third International Workshop on |
322. | Digital Audio Signal Processing, IEE Colloquium on |
323. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1990. Proceedings., IEEE/AIAA/NASA 9th |
324. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1991. Proceedings., IEEE/AIAA 10th |
325. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1992. Proceedings., IEEE/AIAA 11th |
326. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1993. 12th DASC., AIAA/IEEE |
327. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1994. 13th DASC., AIAA/IEEE |
328. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1995., 14th DASC |
329. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1996., 15th AIAA/IEEE |
330. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1997. 16th DASC., AIAA/IEEE |
331. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1998. Proceedings., 17th DASC. The AIAA/IEEE/SAE |
332. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 18th |
333. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2002. Proceedings. The 21st |
334. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2003. DASC '03. The 22nd |
335. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2004. DASC 04. The 23rd |
336. | Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2005. DASC 2005. The 24th |
337. | Digital Avionics Systems Conferences, 2000. Proceedings. DASC. The 19th |
338. | Digital Avionics Systems, 2001. DASC. The 20th Conference |
339. | Digital Communications, 1988. Mapping New Applications onto New Technologies, 1988 International Zurich Seminar on |
340. | Digital Communications, 1990. 'Electronic Circuits and Systems for Communications'. Proceedings., 1990 International Zurich Seminar on |
341. | Digital Communications, 1992. 'Intelligent Networks and their Applications.' Proceedings., 1992 International Zurich Seminar on |
342. | Digital Filters: An Enabling Technology (Ref. No. 1998/252), IEE Colloquium on |
343. | Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2005. DICTA '05. Proceedings 2005 |
344. | Digital Image Computing: Technqiues and Applications, 2005. DICTA ' 05. Proceedings |
345. | Digital Libraries, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 Joint Conference on |
346. | Digital Libraries, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on |
347. | Digital Libraries: Research and Practice, 2000 Kyoto, International Conference on. |
348. | Digital Mammography, IEE Colloquium on |
349. | Digital Power System Simulators, 1995, ICDS '95., First International Conference on |
350. | Digital Processing of Signals in Communications, 1991., Sixth International Conference on |
351. | Digital Restoration of Film and Video Archives (Ref. No. 2001/049), IEE Seminar on |
352. | Digital Satellite Communications, 1995. Tenth International Conference on |
353. | Digital Satellite Technology and Electronic Newsgathering, IEE Colloquium on |
354. | Digital Signal Processing and Display Techniques for Ultrasonics, IEE Colloquium on |
355. | Digital Signal Processing for Radar and Sonar Applications, Tutorial Meeting on |
356. | Digital Signal Processing for VLSI, IEE Colloquium on |
357. | Digital Signal Processing Proceedings, 1997. DSP 97., 1997 13th International Conference on |
358. | Digital Signal Processing Workshop Proceedings, 1996., IEEE |
359. | Digital Signal Processing workshop, 1992. The |
360. | Digital Signal Processing Workshop, 1994., 1994 Sixth IEEE |
361. | Digital Signal Processing Workshop, 2002 and the 2nd Signal Processing Education Workshop. Proceedings of 2002 IEEE 10th |
362. | Digital Signal Processing Workshop, 2004 and the 3rd IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop. 2004 IEEE 11th |
363. | Digital Signal Processing, 2002. DSP 2002. 2002 14th International Conference on |
364. | Digital System Design Using Synthesis Techniques (Digest No: 1996-029), IEE Colloquium On |
365. | Digital System Design, 2002. Proceedings. Euromicro Symposium on |
366. | Digital System Design, 2003. Proceedings. Euromicro Symposium on |
367. | Digital System Design, 2004. DSD 2004. Euromicro Symposium on |
368. | Digital System Design, 2005. Proceedings. 8th Euromicro Conference on |
369. | Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools, 2006. DSD 2006. 9th EUROMICRO Conference on |
370. | Digital Systems, Design, 2001. Proceedings. Euromicro Symposium on |
371. | Digital Telecommunications, , 2006. ICDT '06. International Conference on |
372. | Digital Television - Where Is It and Where Is It Going? (Ref. No. 1999/072), IEE Colloquium on |
373. | Digital Television Broadcasting (Ref. No. 1998/419), IEE Afternoon Seminar on |
374. | Digital Terrestrial Television, IEE Colloquium on |
375. | Digitally Compressed TV by Satellite, IEE Colloquium on |
376. | Digitized Speech Communication via Mobile Radio, IEE Colloquium on |
377. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 1997. DIPED-97 |
378. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 1998. DIPED-98. Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop on |
379. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 1999. Proceedings of IVth International Seminar/Workshop |
380. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2000. DIPED - 2000. Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar/Workshop on |
381. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2001. DIPED 2001. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar/Workshop on |
382. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2002. DIPED - 2002. Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar/Workshop on |
383. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2003. DIPED 2003. Proceedings of 8th International Seminar/Workshop on |
384. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2004. DIPED 2004. Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar/Workshop on |
385. | Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, Proceedings of Xth International Seminar/Workshop on |
386. | Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis (Digest No: 1991/172), IEE Colloquium on |
387. | Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 1996. Proceedings. ISDEIV., XVIIth International Symposium on |
388. | Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 1998. Proceedings ISDEIV. XVIIIth International Symposium on |
389. | Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 2000. Proceedings. ISDEIV. XIXth International Symposium on |
390. | Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 2002. 20th International Symposium on |
391. | Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 2004. Proceedings. ISDEIV. XXIst International Symposium on |
392. | Discharges in Large Machines (Digest No. 1998/264), IEE Colloquium on |
393. | Discrete Event Dynamic Systems - A New Generation of Modelling, Simulation and Control Applications, IEE Colloquium on |
394. | Discrete Event Simulation - A Decision Making Process Not Just Computer Modelling, IEE Colloquium on |
395. | Discrete Event Systems, 2002. Proceedings. Sixth International Workshop on |
396. | Discrete Event Systems, 2006 8th International Workshop on |
397. | Discrete Event Systems: A New Challenge for Intelligent Control Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
398. | Display Research Conference, 1988., Conference Record of the 1988 International |
399. | Display Research Conference, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 International |
400. | Display Technology, Journal of |
401. | Distributed and Networked Environments, 1994. Proceedings., First International Workshop on Services in |
402. | Distributed Computing Systems in the 1990s, 1988. Proceedings., Workshop on the Future Trends of |
403. | Distributed Computing Systems Workshop, 2001 International Conference on |
404. | Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2002. Proceedings. 22nd International Conference on |
405. | Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2003. Proceedings. 23rd International Conference on |
406. | Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2004. Proceedings. 24th International Conference on |
407. | Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2005. 25th IEEE International Conference on |
408. | Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2006. ICDCS Workshops 2006. 26th IEEE International Conference on |
409. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1988., 8th International Conference on |
410. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1989., 9th International Conference on |
411. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1990. Proceedings., 10th International Conference on |
412. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1990. Proceedings., Second IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of |
413. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1991., 11th International Conference on |
414. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1992., Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on |
415. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1992., Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Future Trends of |
416. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1993., Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Future Trends of |
417. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1993., Proceedings the 13th International Conference on |
418. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1994., Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on |
419. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1995., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on |
420. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1995., Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Future Trends of |
421. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1996., Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on |
422. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1997., Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on |
423. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1997., Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Future Trends of |
424. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1998. Proceedings. 18th International Conference on |
425. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1999. Proceedings. 19th IEEE International Conference on |
426. | Distributed Computing Systems, 1999. Proceedings. 7th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of |
427. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2000. Proceedings. 20th International Conference on |
428. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2001. 21st International Conference on. |
429. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2001. FTDCS 2001. Proceedings. The Eighth IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of |
430. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2002. Proceedings. 22nd International Conference on |
431. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2003. FTDCS 2003. Proceedings. The Ninth IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of |
432. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2003. Proceedings. 23rd International Conference on |
433. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2004. FTDCS 2004. Proceedings. 10th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of |
434. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2004. Proceedings. 24th International Conference on |
435. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2005. ICDCS 2005. Proceedings. 25th IEEE International Conference on |
436. | Distributed Computing Systems, 2006. ICDCS 2006. 26th IEEE International Conference on |
437. | Distributed Databases, IEE Colloquium on |
438. | Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare, 2006. D2H2. 1st Transdisciplinary Conference on |
439. | Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications, 2005. DFMA '05. First International Conference on |
440. | Distributed Imaging (Ref. No. 1999/109), IEE European Workshop |
441. | Distributed Intelligent Systems: Collective Intelligence and Its Applications, 2006. DIS 2006. IEEE Workshop on |
442. | Distributed Interactive Simulation and Real Time Applications, 1997., First International Workshop on |
443. | Distributed Interactive Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 1998. Proceedings. 2nd International Workshop on |
444. | Distributed Interactive Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 1999. Proceedings. 3rd IEEE International Workshop on |
445. | Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1990., Proceedings of the Fifth |
446. | Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1991. Proceedings., The Sixth |
447. | Distributed MRP and Cellular Manufacture, IEE Seminar on |
448. | Distributed Object Management, IEE Colloquium on |
449. | Distributed Objects - Technology and Application (Digest No: 1997/332), IEE Colloquium on |
450. | Distributed Objects and Applications, 1999. Proceedings of the International Symposium on |
451. | Distributed Objects and Applications, 2000. Proceedings. DOA '00. International Symposium on |
452. | Distributed Objects and Applications, 2001. DOA '01. Proceedings. 3rd International Symposium on |
453. | Distributed Platforms: Client/Server and Beyond: DCE, CORBA, ODP and Advanced Distributed Applications, Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on |
454. | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2000. (DS-RT 2000). Proceedings. Fourth IEEE International Workshop on |
455. | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2002. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE International Workshop on |
456. | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh IEEE International Symposium on |
457. | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2004. DS-RT 2004. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on |
458. | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2005. DS-RT 2005 Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Symposium on |
459. | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, Fifth IEEE International Workshop on, DS-RT 2001. |
460. | Distributed Systems Online, IEEE |
461. | Distributed Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, IEE Colloquium on |
462. | Distributed Virtual Reality, IEE Colloquium on |
463. | Distribution and Transmission Systems (Digest No. 1997/050), IEE Colloquium on Operational Monitoring of |
464. | Distribution Overhead Lines - Economics, Practice and Technology of Reliability Assessment (Digest No. 1998/289), IEE Colloquium on |
465. | Distribution Switchgear, 1990., Third International Conference on Future Trends in |
466. | Diversity in Computing Conference, 2005 Richard Tapia Celebration of |
467. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 1993., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on |
468. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 1995., Proceedings of the Third International Conference on |
469. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 1997., Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on |
470. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 1999. ICDAR '99. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on |
471. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 2001. Proceedings. Sixth International Conference on |
472. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on |
473. | Document Analysis and Recognition, 2005. Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on |
474. | Document Image Analysis for Libraries, 2004. Proceedings. First International Workshop on |
475. | Document Image Analysis for Libraries, 2006. DIAL '06. Second International Conference on |
476. | Document Image Analysis, 1997. (DIA '97) Proceedings., Workshop on |
477. | Document Image Processing and Multimedia (Ref. No. 1999/041), IEE Colloquium on |
478. | Document Image Processing and Multimedia Environments, IEE Colloquium on |
479. | Does Electromagnetic Modelling Have a Place in EMC Design, IEE Colloquium on |
480. | Driver Information Systems: Influencing Your Route (Ref. No. 1999/087), IEE Seminar |
481. | Driver Information, IEE Colloquium on |
482. | DSP (Digital Signal Processing) in Instrumentation, IEE Colloquium on (Digest No.009) |
483. | DSP Applications in Communication Systems, IEE Colloquium on |
484. | DSP Chips in Real Time Measurement and Control (Digest No: 1997/301), IEE Colloquium on |
485. | DSP Chips in Real-Time Instrumentation and Display Systems (Digest No: 1997/300), IEE Colloquium on |
486. | DSP: Theory, Applications and Implementation, IEE Younger Members Tutorial Seminar on |
487. | DSPenabledRadio, 2005. The 2nd IEE/EURASIP Conference on (Ref. No. 2005/11086) |
488. | Duopoly and Regulation in Europe, IEE Colloquium on |
489. | Dusty Plasmas (Ref. No. 1998/267), IEE Half-day Colloquium on |
490. | DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting): The Future for Television Broadcasting?), IEE Colloquium on (Digest No.1995/142) |
491. | Dynamic Control of Strategic Inter-Urban Road Networks, IEE Colloquium on |
492. | Dynamic Modeling Control Applications for Industry Workshop, 1997., IEEE Industry Applications Society |
493. | Dynamic Modeling Control Applications for Industry Workshop, 1998. IEEE Industry Applications 1998 |
494. | Dynamic voltage Restorers - Replacing Those Missing Cycles (Digest No. 1998/189), IEE Half Day Colloquium on |